courtesy of
Published Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Heritage Classic Foundation, which runs Hilton Head Island's PGA Tour event, dipped into its reserves to distribute some of the $300,000 it awarded to area charities Thursday.
David Ames, chairman of the Children's Center and chairman emeritus of Hope Haven, encouraged the charities at the luncheon at the Harbour Town Conference Center to discuss at upcoming board meetings how they can help the tournament. Verizon announced it will not continue its title sponsorship after 2010.
Such efforts would serve as a "thank you" to the foundation, which has provided the "lifeblood" of many nonprofits over the years, he said.
"I think the Heritage Classic Foundation deserves our thanks and that of our community," Ames said. "But it also deserves our help and support at this time in our island's circumstances."
Other charity leaders were invited to speak, too.
Some spoke of the benefits the tournament provides for their organizations. Others shared strategies on how to use the foundation's Birdies for Charity program, in which agencies collect pledges for each birdie players make during the tournament.
Vera Bailey, executive director of the Pregnancy Center & Clinic of the Low Country, wished foundation leaders the best as they search for a new title sponsor.
"I know it's our collective prayer they will find a sponsor (after) next year," Bailey said. "We need you," she told the tournament's organizers.
Including Thursday's grants, the foundation will give more than $1.3 million to charity this year, down from the nearly $1.8 million distributed in 2008. About $200,000 came from reserves, said Ed Dowaschinski, the foundation's vice president of finance and administration.
Tournament officials attributed the decline to the economic downturn, which hurt secondary sponsorships and ticket sales, they said.
Money is distributed in several ways besides grants and the birdies program, including scholarships and a concession program in which charities run booths during the tournament to raise money.
The foundation has distributed almost $20 million since it took over the tournament in 1987.
Verizon Heritage Lodging Packages
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Heritage Classic Foundation Donates $300k to Local Charities
Posted by Island Girl at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, golf hilton head, hilton head charities, hilton head golf
A White Christmas in Hilton Head? Rare, but true!
Courtesy of
Published Thursday, December 10, 2009
It started snowing Friday afternoon, Dec. 22, 1989. It didn't stop until the next day, after 3.5 inches coated Beaufort County.
Temperatures remained below freezing for several days, preserving the snow and providing an extremely rare white Christmas for Beaufort, Bluffton and Hilton Head Island.
As expected, there was some fallout.
Power failed for about 1,000 homes on Hilton Head because of blown fuses, Palmetto Electric reported at the time, and pleaded with people not to flip on heat pumps and space heaters as soon as power was restored to keep circuits from overloading again.
Airports along the coast, including Hilton Head and Savannah, closed for days. Little could be done to clearrunways, so crews had to wait for the snow to melt. Crews spread sand on local roads to keep them passable.
Snow fell in a band from Wilmington, N.C., to Florida, giving thousands a holiday to remember.
Tell us your memories of that storm and if you have photos, send them. We'll post the stories and photos online and publish a few in the newspaper.
Send them to Lisa Allen, city editor, P.O. Box 5727, Bluffton, SC 29938 or
Posted by Island Girl at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head sc, hilton head storms, holidays hilton head, weather hilton head
Blue-bottle trees -- A throwback to Gullah traditions
Article courtesy of
Published Friday, December 11, 2009
An authentic relic of African culture, or a modern-day fad with the historical relevance of a Snuggie?
Spirit-catcher, old-time bug zapper or mere decoration?
Shabby chic, or just plain tacky?
Blue-bottle trees adorn many a Lowcountry garden and roadside stand, and their cobalt ornamentation makes them undeniably eye-catching. They generally are believed to be derived from African-American folk art, but little is documented about their origins, according to Rosalyn Browne, Penn Center's director of history and culture.
And that only adds to their mystery.
So The Beaufort Gazette and The Island Packet pose seven questions to explain the history and appeal of the blue-bottle tree.
• So which is it -- do blue-bottle trees have roots in African-American culture, or are they simply a fad designed to tap the wallet of gullible tourists?: Browne says that despite scant documentation of their origins, blue-bottle trees are an authentic piece of southern and African-American culture. She points to a book by a professor at the State University of New York tracing their use to religous rituals in the Congo.
Mary Inabinett Mack, owner of the Red Piano Too Art Gallery on St. Helena Island, agrees blue-bottle trees are authentic.
In the interest of full disclosure, Mack's shop sells the yard and garden decorations (sans blue bottles.) But she also recalls her grandmother tying blue bottles to the branches of a magnolia tree in her yard, a memory dating at least to the 1940s.
"That goes back to a tradition in the African-American community when we used to sweep and decorate the yard," Mack said.
• What, exactly, is the significance of the blue-bottle tree?: According to several sources, the trees are used to keep evil spirits --"haints" or "wooly boogers," for example -- out of one's home. They even are effective on a particularly nasty goblin known as a "plat eye" -- in Gullah culture, the evil spirit of someone improperly buried, according to the Web site
The spirits come out at dusk and are beckoned inside by slanting light refracted through the sparkling blue bottles. Once inside, the spirits are trapped. Some say they are vaporized when the bottles are flooded with morning sun. Others say the spirits simply cannot escape the bottle and that you can hear them moaning in agony when the wind blows through the tree branches.
• Why the color blue?: Today, you can find the trees adorned with bottles of many colors, but blue is particularly popular and particularly true to the tree's origins. Browne says the color blue long has been believed to ward off evil spirits.
"In fact, the aspect of using colors and symbols -- related to good spirits and bad sprits -- came with the Africans themselves, as they came to the Americas from Africa or the Caribbean," Browne said.
That belief in the power of colors also explains blue doors and blue porch ceilings -- both are so painted to keep evil from crossing the threshold into a home. Blue-bottle trees prevent the spirits from even getting that close.
Some say the blue-bottle trees did a fair job of ridding homes of more terrestrial nuisances -- bugs.
According to the blogger The Lazy Gardener, the lime once used to make blue bottles also is an insect repellent that keeps skeeters and noseeums out of your house. This doesn't work anymore, though -- apparently, lime no longer is used to turn things blue.
• How are blue-bottle trees made?: Mack recalls her grandmother tying blue bottles to a magnolia. A crape myrtle mature and sturdy enough to support the weight of the bottles is another popular choice, with the branches simply inserted into the bottle necks.
Some artists now craft artificial trees made of wood or metal rods. Mack sells in her store trees made by a man in Aiken. A blue-bottle tree behind her store was constructed by a Hank Herring, a Beaufort resident, artist, retired Marine and former part-time employee of Red Piano Too.
• What is the most difficult part of assembling a blue-bottle tree?: Many say it is finding the blue bottles, particularly those in the distinctive cobalt shade usually associated with the trees. Milk of Magnesia, Vick's Salve or certain brands of bottled water are highly sought-after.
Mack has a tree in her yard that she has festooned with pint jars she found at a Dollar General store and bottles of the energy drink Bawls. Also used are wine bottles -- she once purchased a case of a particular vintage from a Rhode Island vineyard just to have the distinctive, blue bottles.
"If I see a blue bottle of wine, a lot of times I'll buy it whether I like the wine or not," she said.
• What's the second-most difficult part of assembling a blue-bottle tree?: Sometimes, getting permission, as Hilton Head Island couple Deborah Brooks and James Borton discovered in August 2008.
They erected a tree outside their home -- apropos, it seemed to them, since they lived in a neighborhood carved from land off Spanish Wells Road that long was used by African-American families.
"We moved into an area where our bottle tree could be considered a small part of what we've all taken from this area," Brooks told The Island Packet.
But the Oakview neighborhood has restrictive covenants, and the bottle tree fell among other no-nos islanders are familiar with: No clothes lines, fences, statuary or structures in the yard.
• Just how "Lowcountry" are blue-bottle trees?: They're strongly associated with the area because of their African-American/Gullah roots, but they hardly are unique to the Lowcountry.
One Web site devoted to bottle trees displays pictures of them from many southern states, Australia, France, the Netherlands and even exotic locales such as Oklahoma.
Posted by Island Girl at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head culture, hilton head island, hilton head traditions, holidays hilton head
New unit videos on RQ Hilton Head website!
You may have noticed a couple recent upgrades to the RQ Hilton Head website. We've recently added unit videos of each individual unit, so you know exactly what you're getting when you book. All videos are also posted on YouTube, which makes them easily accessible at any time. Check out our YouTube Channel to view all of our units.
Or, look for the video at the unit level page on the website. Here's an example
In addition, ResortQuest has partnered with to provide better mapping of all of our complexes. Sea Pines complex maps are added, with more coming soon! Check it out
Posted by Island Girl at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head, hilton head island, Hilton Head vacations, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island
Monday, November 16, 2009
ResortQuest General Manager Robert Stenhammer Nominated to Three-Year Term on the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce
The Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to helping the business community and expanding the regional economy on Hilton Head Island and the nearby town of Bluffton, South Carolina. Hilton Head is one of the nation’s premier resort destinations and offers a variety of villas and private homes available for vacation rental.
November 16, 2009, Hilton Head Island, SC -- Robert Stenhammer, General Manager for ResortQuest Hilton Head Island has been nominated to serve a second term on the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, beginning in 2010. In his first term, Stenhammer has been instrumental in advancing the common interest of the professionally managed Home & Villa vacation rental industry on the Island by establishing VTRiP (the Vacation Travel Research Program) which monitors and projects the health of tourism on the Island. Additionally, Stenhammer has served as the Co-Chairman of the Home & Villa Committee and has worked to increase participation and support of bringing rental company leaders together to prioritize issues and seek a collective voice.
“I am extremely proud to again serve on the Board of this great Chamber”, Stenhammer says, “I will work to further promote tourism on the Island while balancing the quality of life our residents enjoy with the objective of increasing property values for homeowners. My family and I feel fortunate to live and work in this great place; and are extremely happy to call the Hilton Head Island community home.”
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island is Hilton Head Island’s largest vacation rental company, offering over 500 vacation rentals. The ResortQuest Hilton Head portfolio of rentals includes a large variety of villas, luxury private homes, beachfront properties and exclusive golf course locations. For more information on ResortQuest Hilton Head vacation rentals, visit or contact a reservations specialist at 800-875-8726.
About ResortQuest:
ResortQuest, one of the nation's leading hospitality and resort real estate companies, provides a one-stop resource in North America's premier resort destinations. ResortQuest is the largest marketer and management company of vacation condominiums and home rentals in the U.S., based on a portfolio of nearly 10,000 vacation rental properties. With the inclusion of Partner Affiliates in North America and Europe, ResortQuest now offers over 100,000 vacation rental choices in over 140 destinations world-wide. With over a billion in sales, ResortQuest Real Estate is one of the nation's leading real estate companies focusing exclusively on resort properties, offering superior brokerage services in the country's premier beach, ski and golf destinations.
Posted by Island Girl at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, hilton head chamber, hilton head island, hilton head sc, hilton head vacation rentals, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hilton Head Island: Golf Channel's School of Golf Comes to Hilton Head
This season on Golf Channel, get a behind the scenes look at the students of the Hank Haney International Junior Golf Academy. Hank Haney, one of the greatest golf instructors of all time, is now teaching junior golfers. For some, balancing good grades and good golf - while struggling with the pressures of trying to be the next golf superstar and being away from home for the first time - may prove to be more than they can handle. School is in session every Tuesday at 11:00 p.m. ET.
Posted by Island Girl at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head island, golf channel, hilto head golf, hilton head sc, school of golf
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Ultimate in Golf Luxury: Air-Conditioned Carts & Segways!
If you're nervous about the effects heat of a South Carolina summer could have on your golf game, fret no longer.
Palmetto Dunes Oceanfrton Resort golf courses offers two unique, state-of-the-art amenities: entire fleets of air-conditioned golf carts and Segway Golf Transporters for use on the course.
The golf carts provide air-conditioned comfort with the Coolwell G2 Climate Control System, which enables players to enjoy a round of golf while shielding them from the heat and humidity associated with a South Carolina summer.
Segway Golf Transporters can travel at more than 12 m.p.h. and are easy to operate and maneuver. Palmetto Dunes has the distinction of being the only Hilton Head Island resort to offer Segways, which have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional golf carts for transportation on the green
In February 2008, the resort proudly unveiled the new Segway X2. This all-terrain vehicle with wider deeply treaded tires, scratch resistant fenders and higher ground clearance provide for a smoother ride than earlier models. This also allows for superior preservation of the golf course. All of this, and incorporating Segway's innovative LeanSteer technology, makes for an excellent golfing experience.
Looking for Golf Packages in Hilton Head?
Book your Palmetto Dunes golf tee times LIVE online now!
Hilton Head vacation rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head island, golf hilton head, golf packages hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head sc, palmetto dunes hilton head, vacation rentals hilton head
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hilton Head Car Enthusiasts Welcome the Concours d’Elegance Motoring Festival to Hilton Head Island
Widely considered one of the top four vintage car exhibitions in the nation, the Concours d’Elegance Motoring Festival will showcase over 150 vintage vehicles competing for various awards. ResortQuest Hilton Head Island is offering Concours d’Elegance vacation packages and rental specials on their selection of over 500 vacation rentals, villas and private beach homes on the premier resort destination, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Hilton Head Island, SC (PRWEB) September 26, 2009 – Once again, the Concours d’Elegance will make Hilton Head Island it’s resort of choice, as over 150 vintage cars descend upon the island in an impeccable display of elegance. Part of the larger four-part series, including the Savannah/Hilton Head Speed Classic, the Motoring Midway and the Car Club Jamboree, the Concours d’Elegance is a crowd favorite, showcasing only the most rare and pristine vintage cars in the nation.Believed to be by many Concours d'Elegance judges, exhibitors and enthusiasts as one of the top four events in the country, Hilton Head Island will celebrate a majestic automotive history with Mercedes-Benz selected as the 2009 Honored Marque. Plus, Hilton Head Island will also feature classes to celebrate Brass Era Cars, Motorcycles, Micro Cars plus the 100-Year Anniversary of the Hudson and so much more.
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island is offering Concours d’Elegance lodging specials from 15% off premier island resorts. Choose from a selection of over 500 villas and private homes in exclusive locations, including Palmetto Dunes and Sea Pines. All ResortQuest Hilton Head vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens and all the amenities of home, ideal for an extended stay. They also include immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports.
Plus, all ResortQuest Hilton Head guests enjoy the benefits of the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends Program which offers deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities year-round. All Hilton Head guests also enjoy a host of other perks including discounted golf rates, free tennis, free DVD rentals and discounted bike rentals. For more information on Hilton Head rentals, visit the ResortQuest Hilton Head website at or call 800-875-8726.
Posted by Island Girl at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: car show hilton head, concours d'elegance, concours d'elegance hilton head, hilton head events, hilton head vaction special, vintage car shows, vintage cars
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offers over 500 vacation rentals, villas and private beach homes on the premier resort destination, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. With a year-round temperate climate, Hilton Head Island is the perfect winter escape for snowbirds looking for a warm getaway this winter. ResortQuest Hilton Head offers monthly villa and home rentals on Hilton Head Island, SC.
Hilton Head Island, SC (PRWEB) September 23, 2009 – Unlike many other beach destinations, the year-round temperate climate on Hilton Head Island keeps the island beaches and activities open any time of year. The balmy winter weather has kept Hilton Head Island one of the top destinations for snowbirds looking for a warm weather escape. With the island’s signature activities, golf and tennis, continuing in full force throughout the winter months, there’s no shortage of activities and entertainment during the fall and winter on Hilton Head.
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offers deeply discounted monthly rentals from October through March, a perfect solution for an extended winter vacation. Choose from a selection of over 500 villas and private homes in premier locations, including Palmetto Dunes and Sea Pines. All ResortQuest Hilton Head vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens and all the amenities of home, ideal for an extended stay. They also include immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports. Hilton Head monthly rentals start as low as $1100 a month* and these discounted rates are available for stays over 28 days. (*Restrictions apply)
In addition to reduced rates for monthly rentals, ResortQuest Hilton Head offers winter travelers a host of other perks, including discounted golf rates, free tennis, free DVD rentals and discounted bike rentals. Palmetto Dunes extends ResortQuest Hilton Head monthly rental guests discounted monthly golf rates of $630 for 30 days of unlimited golf (including cart and green fee) for individuals, or $1050 for 30 days of golf for up to two family members.
Plus, all ResortQuest Hilton Head guests enjoy the benefits of the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends Program which offers deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities year-round. For more information on Hilton Head monthly rentals, visit the ResortQuest Hilton Head website at or call 800-875-8726.
Posted by Island Girl at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head island, hilton head rentals, hilton head sc, hilton head vacation rentals, long term rentals hilton head, monthly rentals hilton head, winter rentals hilton head
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Foodies! Don't miss the Seafood, Jazz & Brew Fest, September 14 - 19, 2009!
September 11, 2009
Contact: Ann-Marie Adams
Office: 843.686.4944 Cellular: 843.247.2283
New Events, Family Friendly Options, Six Days of Brews~SJB Festival turns year three into major island activity, September 14-19, 2009
Hilton Head Island, SC – The Seafood Jazz and Brew Festival (SJB) is a six-day destination event showcasing the island’s food and beverage market with craft brews playing the supporting role throughout the week. The activities associated with the festival vary by price tag and venue, but the intent remains true to the mission. That is, to introduce every pleasure available on the island while at the same time pairing great culinary destination locations with superb beers.
The 3rd annual SJB festival includes several new offerings for attendees in 2010. The first new offering takes the form of more beer selections at the public tasting. The public beer tasting on Saturday, September 19th beginning at 2 o’clock will showcase 25 beer booths each with five to six product offerings (16 booths in 2008). Another new offering is a weeklong series of beer and food pairings at island dining locations. The Lakehouse at Sea Pines Resort serves as the signature kick-off event on Monday, September 14th and the German Beer Garden at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort and Spa provides the perfect cap note to the festival. The third new offering in 2010 is the availability of family-friendly options incorporated into the weekend timeframe of the festival. The first family friendly option comes with the picnic and jazz event “Jazz at the Park” transpiring at Shelter Cove Community Park and is hosted by the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra on Friday, September 18th beginning at 6 p.m. Another family friendly activity transpires from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 19th as part of the Brews on the Harbour public tasting and includes active learn and play options for children 9 years and younger. That area is hosted by the Waddell Mariculture Center, the SandBox, and Puppet Factory/Kidstown. Finally the island’s food and beverage community brings together a host of later evening options through an activity blotter called “Brewing After 8.” The complete event summary for the festival can be found at:
The Hilton Head Hospitality Association (HHHA) extends an invitation to all media to attend and participate in the activities associated with the Hilton Head Island Seafood Jazz & Brew Festival. The promotional period for this destination event begins on September 14, 2009 and continues through September 19, 2009. For more information or to notify the Association of your presence at any of the events associated with the Seafood Jazz & Brew Festival please contact Ann-Marie Adams, executive director for the Hilton Head Hospitality Association at 843.686.4944 or 800.424.3387.
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“The Hilton Head Hospitality Association is a non-profit organization serving the hospitality industry and related businesses in the Hilton Head region. The Association actively represents its members to national, state and local agencies and organizations, provides members networking opportunities, develops and implements industry workforce training, and produces acclaimed destination related festivals to enhance the region’s tourism.”
If you're looking for the best Hilton Head vacation deals during the Seafood, Jazz & Brew Fest, visit
Hilton Head Vacation Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head events, hilton head festivals, hilton head seafood jazz and brew fest, hilton head specials, hilton head vacation packages, hilton head vacation rentals
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hilton Head Traveler Reviews: Sea Pines Guest Service
From: Brent Messmer, June 2009
To Whom It May Concern;
I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to ResortQuest, and especially an employee named Stacy. We stayed at one of your rental homes in Sea Pines the week of June 13th. On our return home I realized I had left several personal items, including cash and an Ipod in a drawer of the nightstand next to my bed. It was my first thought that I would never see these items again.
I immediately called ResortQuest and explained my situation. Within 20 minutes I received a call back from Stacy who had personally gone to the home and recovered my items. The next business day I received my items via FedEx.
Thank you Stacy and thank you ResortQuest! I appreciate the extra effort and honesty of your staff. You can count on us as a return customer and look forward to a return trip next summer.
Hilton Head Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: guest reviews hilton head, hilton head condos, hilton head villas, summer rentals hilton head, vacation rentals hilton head, vacations hilton head
Hilton Head Traveler Reviews: Excellent Reservations Process
From: Janet Schmitz, Newnan, GA; July 2009
I wanted to write a quick note to inform you about one of your reservations/sales associate Heather Wise. While making my reservation with Resort Quest, Heather was extremely helpful and very courteous. She answered all of my questions and handled my reservation in a very professional manner. Heather is definetely an asset to your company.
In this time of hustle and bustle it is good to know that there are still some caring and considerate people. Please let Heather know I appreciate her kindness and it was a pleasure talking to her.
Hilton Head Vacation Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head condos, hilton head guest reviews, hilton head guest service, hilton head rentals, hilton head traveler reviews, hilton head villas, vacations hilton head
Hilton Head Traveler Reviews: Thank you for the exemplary service!
From: Mr. Thomas Martin, Anderson, SC.
Mr. Stenhammer: My family and I have stayed at the Palmetto Dunes villas during the S.C. Association of Counties annual meetings forever. We stay at Hickory Cove each year, but have recently discovered Centrecourt and fallen in love with it. I am not sure when ResortQuest took over the bookings for those units – whether it was when checkin was still at the entrance to Palmetto Dunes, or later – but in recent years I have had the pleasure of working with Shani Harris for our bookings, and, frankly, have been amazed at how pleasant she is to work with. I should have written you, or her supervisor earlier and said so, because now you’re likely to think that I’m just making that up, because of the remainder of this note. But I assure you that that is the truth – she has been a true pleasure to work with, even in a day and age when customer service, and just plain courtesy, seem to be lost arts. We have never had a single complaint when working with Shani – to the contrary, she is an exemplary model of customer relations, always building great customer confidence, satisfaction, and appreciation.
However, this year’s trip, ending Sunday, has forced me to add to my list of kudos for you and your staff. We stayed in Centrecourt 7804, as we have the last couple of years – and loved it again. We enjoyed the new keyless entry and the DVD rentals – and all the old, familiar accoutrements of that unit with which we are so familiar. We truly hated to have to check out Sunday morning. On the way home, my wife, Terry, noted that she didn’t have on her engagement ring – but confidently remembered she had put it into her jewelry bag, along with her other jewelry, as she was packing up. When we got home, she discovered that the ring was not in the jewelry bag. Panic city. MAJOR panic – not just because of the cost – by Hilton Head standards, the ring probably isn’t all that valuable – but as a piece of personal jewelry, of course, it is unimaginably precious. She called your housekeeping Sunday night and got the emergency housekeeper – a female, whose name I wish I had. That person was as assuring as she could be – stating “You’ll get it back!!” She told us to call housekeeping at 9:00 yesterday (Monday).
Terry did call housekeeping at 9:00, but the line was busy and she got a message. She was going to call back, but in the meantime called the regular reservation number and got Stacey. I could make this easy and tell you that was the end of the problem. In fact, I’ll do that. We told Stacey where we thought the ring was hiding, Stacey contacted Talley, and within the hour we had received one of the happiest calls we have gotten recently. Stacey literally took care of everything, from retrieving the ring from Talley (who actually delivered it, I think), to getting all the shipping info, packing the ring ultra carefully, and getting it in next day UPS to us. The ring was safely delivered this morning.
I cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are, to your entire staff, for many, many pleasant stays at Palmetto Dunes, for always being accommodating and courteous, and for giving exemplary service. I also can’t tell you how well they represent you. BUT, for right now, and because of the singular events of the past 48 hours, all I can tell you is “Thank you!!!”, from the bottom of our hearts!!
Hilton Head Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head condos, hilton head guest reviews, hilton head guest service, hilton head rentals, hilton head sc, hilton head traveler reviews, hilton head vacation rentals
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hilton Head Island: 09.09.09 Moment for Peace
I've been noticing lots of shirts around town with the 09.09.09 date on it, and I wasn't sure what it was for, but a little research turned up that it's a movement by the organization Imagine Peace, for a Worldwide Moment of PEACE.
From their website:
"Worldwide Moment is a non-profit arts organization which encourages people around the world to celebrate peace and international collaboration by taking simultaneous photographs and sharing their stories. 2009’s Moment occurs when the time is Wednesday September 9, 2009 at 9:09AM in the +09GMT time zone, or 09.09.09+09GMT@09:09.
After the Moment occurs, upload your photo, location, and a short description of your Moment, to the Worldwide Moment website The photo collection will then be available online, and will eventually premier in-person at a gallery, soon-to-be determined. If you are a gallery owner or representative interested in showing the photos please contact us.
Whether amateur or professional, film or digital, Polaroid or camera phone, young or old, this is for EVERYONE. All you have to do is take a photograph at the specified Moment. And for those who want to participate but don’t have a camera? WE WANT TO GIVE YOU ONE. Contact us.
To see Worldwide Moment’s 2008 exhibit of 270 photographs from 20 countries visit our Gallery.
Created by University of Southern California School of Cinema/TV graduate Brett Brownell in 2007, Worldwide Moment is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions in behalf of Worldwide Moment may be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law."
So - do with it what you will, but to me a cause for peace is a good cause.
Hilton Head Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head sc, world peace, worldwide moment of peace
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hilton Head Town Seeks to Honor Native Islanders
Article courtesy of - a complete news resource for Hilton Head Island.
Town seeks way to honor native islanders
Ferrymen Simmons, Frazier among first Councilman Ferguson would like to recognize
Published Monday, September 7, 2009
Well before the first bridge to Hilton Head Island was built in 1956, two native islanders helped connect the remote barrier island with the rest of the world.
Many in the native island community would like the Town of Hilton Head Island to memorialize Charlie Simmons Sr. and Arthur Frazier, two men who worked around the clock to ensure islanders had the supplies they needed to survive on an island far from the nearest department store or hospital.
Both ran ferries and filled countless other roles, such as merchant, banker, public works department and ambulance service before development brought those modern institutions to the island.
Bill Ferguson, who represents the native island communities on Hilton Head Town Council, wants to build a monument honoring the contributions of native islanders -- beginning with Simmons and Frazier -- at Mitchelville Beach Park.
Ferguson said the entire community owes a debt of gratitude to the two men, not just the dozens of native island families and affluent visitors who used their services.
"Without them, Sea Pines and Port Royal wouldn't be here as it is today," he said, "because (the developers) used these fellows as an instrument of transportation before the bridge was built."
Ferguson's idea involves renaming the park to something like "Mitchelville Memorial Park for Native Islanders." Last week, Mayor Tom Peeples asked for Ferguson's help to build consensus among the island's black community for a potential name.
"It's a sublime piece of property with a generic name on it," Ferguson said of the park.
The town built Compass Rose Park in 2008 as an homage to Sea Pines founder Charles Fraser and others instrumental in making Hilton Head a premier resort.
But some believe not enough is being done to highlight the history of native islanders, many of whom are the direct descendants of freed slaves, said Emory Campbell, former director of the Penn Center and owner of Gullah Tours.
"Despite what National Geographic says, this island does have a soul," Campbell said referring to the magazine's 2007 ranking of beach communities that slammed the island. "It goes back a long way to even the Indians. History is so important. Folks who are coming in now are looking for history and unfortunately don't know how important this island is to United States history."
Hilton Head was home to the South's first freed slaves, and Mitchelville, a fully-functioning village for those released from bondage, was the nation's early experiment at Reconstruction.
After the Civil War, the island was a close-knit agrarian community. Families were rich with land that produced crops and estuaries that provided a bounty of shellfish, but were cash poor and largely disconnected from the mainland.
Simmons, who worked on ferries as a young boy, began his own service in the 1920s using a sailboat to get between Hilton Head and Savannah. In 1927, he upgraded to the Lola, a 33-foot boat with a 15 horsepower engine.
He transported wealthy northerners to Honey Horn, then a hunting preserve, and helped islanders haul their produce, seafood and livestock to Savannah, where he sold the cargo at City Market and use the proceeds to fulfill families' shopping lists.
Simmons died in 2005 at the age of 99.
Frazier came along a bit after Simmons. In 1944, he began operating a boat service between Jenkins Island -- near where the J. Wilton Graves Bridge today connects to Hilton Head Island -- to Buckingham Landing, where the Sea Trawler restaurant recently opened. He also owned several trucks and a barge that could carry cars.
When he was drafted for World War II, residents successfully lobbied the government to give him a waiver because his services were so vital to their way of life.
In 1968, Frazier lost a leg in an automobile accident, and in 1985, he was shot in the face during the robbery of his convenience store along William Hilton Parkway. The cream- and rust-colored commercial buildings he owned still stand and are home to a produce market and a massage parlor. A wooden, homemade sign still marks Frazier's Holiness Temple.
He died in 2003 at the age of 89.
"I knew them both," Campbell said. "They were outstanding men."
Hilton Head Vacation Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: gullah hilton head, hilton head historical society, hilton head island, hilton head sc, history hilton head island, natives hilton head
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hilton Head Island: The Farmer's Market of Bluffton
If you're like me, nothing beats the taste of fruits and veggies straight from the garden. And, if your REALLY like me (and that means NO green thumb), that means that the best veggies are coming from someone elses garden!
Check out the weekly Farmer's Market of Bluffton for an awesome selection of seasonal fruits and veggies, honey, pasta and more. Not to mention the best local barbeque, gumbo, seafood, baked goods and icey goodness. And, not that I'm biased, but one thig I love is that the Bluffton market does not allow craft vendors, so it's just what you can eat - and that's what you WANT at a farmer's market, isn't it?
Plus, you get live music, a great place to take the kids and the charm of Old Town Bluffton. Now that's a combo that's hard to beat!
Here's the nitty gritty details:
April 23-November 19, 2009
On Thursdays; 2-6 pm
40 Calhoun St, Carson Cottages
Old Town Bluffton, SC
Hilton Head Island
Posted by Island Girl at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, family activities Hilton Head, farmers market hilton head, hilton head island, what to do hilton head
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hilton Head Island: Tropical Storm Erika Update
September 2, 2009
Tropical Storm Erika Update
Dear ResortQuest Homeowner;
We are currently monitoring Tropical Storm Erika in the North Atlantic Ocean. As of Thursday September 2, Erika is located about 160 miles east-southeast of the Leeward Islands and is traveling generally westward at 7 mph. Erika has maximized sustained winds of 45 mph and computer models indicated the Storm is expected to move west-northwest at a slightly faster speed over the next day or two.
At this time there is no expected threat to Hilton Head Island and while our Team here is on alert, there will be no modifications to our normal course of business. If you have any current concerns regarding your property, please call our ResortQuest Homeowner Hotline at 800-806-5697.
We will update this situation again if conditions warrant.
Thank You,
Robert E. Stenhammer
GM-ResortQuest Vacation Rentals
21 Pope Ave - Exec Pk Rd
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Office: 843-686-8120
Hilton Head Island
Posted by Island Girl at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head island, hilton head sc, hilton head weather, tropical storm erika, tropical storm update, vacation rentals hilton head island
Monday, August 31, 2009
ResortQuest Recommends: Hilton Head Spas
Searching for the perfect way to relax while you're on vacation in Hilton Head? Well, if the sound of the crashing waves, the warm sun and the sand between your toes doesn't do it try any one of Hilton Head's premier spa and wellness centers and pamper yourself with a massage or facial while you're on vacation. ResortQuest Hilton Head Island guests receive discounts at Hilton Head's best local spas, which makes splurging on that body treatment all the more enticing.
Find out more about the ResortQuest Recommends discount program for guests, or view Hilton Head Spa Specials here....
Hilton Head Vaction Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, guest discounts hilton head, hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head sc, resortquest recommends, summer rentals hilton head, vacation packages hilton head
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hilton Head Island: Tropical Storm Danny Update
August 26, 2009
Tropical Storm Danny Update
Dear ResortQuest Homeowner;
We are currently monitoring Tropical Storm Danny in the North Atlantic Ocean. As of Wednesday August 12, Danny is located about 445 miles east of Nassau, Bahamas and about 775 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and is traveling west-northwest near 18 mph. Danny has maximized sustained winds of 45 mph and all computer models indicated the Storm is expected to slowly strengthen as it turns north-northwest on Friday of this week.
At this time there is no expected threat to Hilton Head Island and while our Team here is on alert, there will be no modifications to our normal course of business. If you have any current concerns regarding your property, please call our ResortQuest Homeowner Hotline at 800-806-5697.
We will update this situation again if conditions warrant.
Thank You,
Robert E. Stenhammer
GM-ResortQuest Vacation Rentals
21 Pope Ave - Exec Pk Rd
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Office: 843-686-8120

Posted by Island Girl at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Best Discounts on Fall Golf Packages!
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offers over 500 vacation rentals, villas and private beach homes on the premier resort destination, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Hilton Head Island is a golf enthusiast’s dream with over 25 championship courses, including three treasured golf courses within Palmetto Dunes: Robert Trent Jones, George Fazio and Arthur Hills.
August 20, 2009 Hilton Head Island, SC – Hilton Head Island has established a reputation as a number one choice for elite travelers, with immediate access to the nation’s best golf, tennis, cultural festivals, watersports and pristine shoreline. With Hilton Head's sub-tropical climate, sunny skies and lush green fairways, the destination boasts a year-round golf season. Golf Digest has named Hilton Head Island #10 on their list of the world’s Best Golf destinations and with over 25 golf courses on the island, golf fanaticism in this picturesque resort stands above almost all else. The infamous courses at Palmetto Dunes: Fazio, Robert Trent Jones and Arthur Hills rank among the favorites. Just off island, Canongate Golf presents Eagle’s Point and Crescent Pointe Golf courses which represent exceptional quality and value for golfing enthusiasts.
Guests searching for the perfect golf vacation need look no further than ResortQuest Hilton Head Island. ResortQuest offers an amazing selection of lodging accommodations and Hilton Head vacation rentals, many with private and discounted access to these storied golf clubs. ResortQuest is now offering discount golf packages at the Palmetto Dunes and Canongate courses, starting from just $73 per round at Palmetto Dunes and from $186 per person/per night including golf and lodging at Canongate. To book, call 866-423-7869 and mention promo code INT-PGP for Palmetto Dunes discounts and code INT-CAN for Canongate discounts.
In addition, ResortQuest guests can enjoy immediate golf access at any number of other local courses including the Harbour Town Golf Links, Heron Pointe and The Ocean Course at Sea Pines, home to the PGA Verizon Heritage Golf Tournament.
All ResortQuest Hilton Head guests enjoy free tennis, discounted golf, free DVD rentals and the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends program offering deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities. All vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens and immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports. For more information on Hilton Head rentals, visit the ResortQuest Hilton Head website at
About ResortQuest:
ResortQuest, one of the nation’s leading vacation rentals and hospitality and resort real estate companies, provides a one-stop resource for vacation bookings in North America’s premier resort destinations. ResortQuest is the largest marketer and management company of vacation condominiums and home rentals in the United States, based on a portfolio of over 10,000 vacation rental properties. With the inclusion of Partner Affiliates in North and South America, the Caribbean and Europe, ResortQuest now offers over 50,000 vacation rentals choices in over 100 destinations world-wide.
Posted by Island Girl at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, golf hilton head, golf packages hilton head, hilton head, hilton head island, vacation packages hilton head
Town of Hilton Head to Use Twitter to Alert Residents to Emergencies
Courtesy of
The Town of Hilton Head Island is using the social networking site Twitter to help get out information about natural disasters and other emergencies to residents.
Cities across the United States have begun using the free technology to broadcast short messages to people who follow Twitter through their personal computers and cell phones.
The town plans to use it primarily in the event of a hurricane to alert residents of evacuation orders, re-entry procedures and where residents can find bags of ice and other necessities, said emergency management coordinator Paul Rasch.
It is expected to be especially useful after a hurricane, when people will be scattered throughout the region and won't necessarily be near a computer with Internet access, but will still have their cell phones.
Rasch likened the town's Twitter account to a tap on the shoulder, alerting people -- often on their mobile devices -- that new information is available. "It serves the purpose of being an active notification device versus the town's Internet site and 800-number, which are passive," he said. "We can put all the information we'd like (on the Web site and hotline), but we have to wait for people to call or check in."
While the primary use will be during and after storms, the town's emergency management office also plans to use it for other emergencies, including chemical spills, tornadoes and other situations that warrant an update. Residents can follow the Twitter feed while they're away to stay abreast of any incidents that might damage their property.
Even though the town's Twitter site allows people to send messages, town officials stressed they won't be monitoring the comments, so it's important for people with questions or comments to contact town officials through traditional means: an e-mail or a phone call.
Follow ResortQuest Hilton Head Island on Twitter
Hilton Head Vacation Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head vacation rentals, town of hilton head, twitter
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
High Surf and Rip Tides in the Forecast
It appears hurricane season is upon us and as Hurricane Bill nears the Eastern shores, high surf and rip tides are in this week's forecast for Hilton Head Island.
According to the National Weather Service, influences from new moon and lunar patterns will produce high astronomical tides today across South coastal South Carolina and North coastal Georgia with the evening high tide.
Starting Thursday, South Carolina beaches could start seeing the effects of Hurricane's Ana and Bill in the form of powerful rip currents and big waves. Some moderate beach errosion may result.
More information on weather on Hilton Head Island
Hilton Head Vacation Rentals
Posted by Island Girl at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: hilton head, hilton head beaches, hilton head island, hilton head surf, hilton head vacation rentals, hilton head weather
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Summer Vacation Rentals in Hilton Head - 30% OFF!
Book your summer vacation rental with ResortQuest Hilton Head and save as much as 30%* (restrictions apply)
Visit Hilton Head Vacation Specials for more details! or call 800-875-8726
Posted by Island Girl at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, hilton head sc, hilton head vacation specials, summer rentals hilton head
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fourth of July Specials on Hilton Head Island
If you're still looking for a last minute vacation rental for the upcoming Fourth of July Holiday - look no further than ResortQuest Hilton Head! You can enjoy as much as 40% OFF select rentals!
Here are the details:
5 or more nights - 30% OFF*
4 or more nights - 25% OFF*
3 or more nights - 20% OFF*
Click here to view a selection of select private homes that are offering 40% OFF for Fourth of July!*
*Restrictions apply
Posted by Island Girl at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, hilton head fourth of july, hilton head island vacations, hilton head vacation specials, vacation rentals hilton head
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Verizon Heritage
The 2009 Verizon Heritage!
Posted by Island Girl at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wine and Food Festival 2009 was a HUGE success! Thanks to our Homeowoners for participating in the first annual Homeowners Appreciation Week!
Posted by Island Girl at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Warm Weather Dining
After what seemed like an endless winter, the skies finally parted and the sun shone down to grace us with weather that is indicative of the warm spring we have come to expect on our island town. It is now time to put down our Hot Toddy's for something lighter and more refreshing; let's all plug in our blenders and mix up some daquiris to celebrate this long-awaited seasonal change.
For a true island experience, I would recommend planning a trip to The Black Marlin Bayside Grill. Overlooking the Palmetto Bay Marina this delectable establishment showcases the islands freshest seafood and coldest drinks. Featuring both indoor and outdoor dining, The Black Marlin is perfect for families and friends to gather and enjoy a bit of island living. For those looking to liven their afternoons, you can also enjoy the outdoor Hurricane Bar. Famous for it's friendly and speedy service, this hot-spot features one of the best happy hour's on Hilton Head. You can enjoy cold beer, mixed drinks, house wine or it's signature and potent Hurricane with reduced price appetizers from 4 to 7 pm.
Serving lunch, dinner and bruch on Saturdays and Sundays, The Black Marlin's extensive menu features a bit of something for all paletes.
Posted by Island Girl at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Each March, Hilton Head Island is home to one of the eastern seaboard’s foremost culinary events, the Hilton Head Food and Wine Festival. ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offers nearly 500 vacation rentals, condos and private beach homes in the premier resort destination, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and just moments from the tasty treats of this gastronomic spectacle.
February 17, 2009 Hilton Head Island, SC – ResortQuest Hilton Head Island, in conjunction with the Hilton Head Island Hospitality Association, presents the 2009 Hilton Head Food and Wine Festival. The festival will be held March 11 – 15 at the Sea Pines Country Club and Coastal Discovery at Honey Horn. This signature event features the exquisite culinary delights from the island’s nationally recognized chefs paired with over 1,500 wines from across the globe.
The medal winning wines have already been announced for the 2009 event and include:
Best of Show Bubbly Champagne: Pascal Doquet NV Grand Cru Blanc de Blanc Best of Show Red: Alexander Valley Vineyards 2005 Cyrus Alexander Valley Estate and Best of Show White: Chasing Venus 2008 Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough
View a full listing of 2009 award winners at
The Festival kicks-off on March 11 with the Pol Roger Champagne Tasting and Welcome Dinner, to be held at The Studio on Hilton Head Island and is presented by the Hilton Head Island Chapter of the American Institute of Food and Wine. Dinner events and wine tastings continue at venues around the island, including Wine Times 4, WiseGuys bar and restaurant, Aqua Grille & Lounge, the Old Fort Pub, Red Fish restaurant and the XO Lounge. The Grand Wine Tasting event takes place on Friday, March 13 at the Sea Pines Country Club from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Cost for the Grand Tasting is $150 per person (plus $5 gate pass). Featured wines include La Crema Anderson Valley Pinot Noir 2005, Cliff Lede Poetry 2005, Miner Oracle 2005 and the Rombauer Diamond Select Cabernet Sauvignon 2003.
The most popular event at the Wine & Food Festival is the public tasting, held this year at the Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn, Saturday, March 14 from 12 noon – 4 pm. Cost is $40 per person, and includes entrance to all of the featured tasting events, such as the Tailgate Gourmet Challenge and the Grey Goose Best Bartender Challenge.
For more event details, tickets and a full schedule of events, visit the Hilton Head Area Hospitality Association website at
ResortQuest Hilton Head is an official sponsor of the 2009 festival and is offering a full selection of discount Hilton Head Food & Wine Festival lodging packages including free tickets to the Public Tasting and vacation rental accommodations throughout Hilton Head during the event. Enjoy the comfort and privacy of resort accommodations, complete with kitchen, living and dining areas and scenic golf course and ocean settings.
Guests can experience 3 nights lodging in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condominium or villa, plus four adult tickets to the March 14 Public Tasting event from as low as $180 a per person* (restrictions apply). All ResortQuest Hilton Head guests enjoy free tennis, discounted golf, free DVD rentals and the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends program offering deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities. All vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens and immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports. To claim this offer, visit the ResortQuest Hilton Head Island lodging website or contact a reservations specialist at 800.653.9638 and mention promotion code REF WFF.
Throughout March, ResortQuest Hilton Head is offering 30% off lodging as part of the ResortQuest “More For Your Money” promotion. To claim this offer, visit the ResortQuest Hilton Head Island lodging website or contact a reservations specialist at 800.653.9638 and mention promotion code REF MYM.
Posted by Island Girl at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, activities on Hilton Head Island, events hilton head, events on Hilton Head, hilton head vacation packages, hilton head wine food festival
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Help for Hilton Head in a Tough Economy
With many people scaling back in the face of tough economic times, 2009 is a year when value is going to be the key to spending, particularly when it comes to vacations. Folks are still traveling but they're being really choosy about where they spend their hard-earned money. The Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce hopes a $200,000-plus ad campaign beginning next month will encourage those within an easy drive of the island to do just that.
Much of the ad campaign, with money from The Town’s crisis reserves, is focused on advertising on Internet sites used by people in key demographics in the two closest, affluent drive markets: Atlanta and Charlotte. Both cities also offer direct flights to Hilton Head Island Airport and Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport as an option.
The campaign will also include electronic billboards and radio spots during drive-time hours and a small number of print ads, and promotional banners and 3D models at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Those will focus on branding the island as a place to relax, recharge and reconnect with loved ones.
This is a key booking time right now and most lodging properties are not at the same pace right now as last year. The Internet campaign should allow the chamber to expand its large database of people who have either visited the island or expressed interest in taking a vacation here in the recent past. The chamber sends everyone in the database a monthly newsletter in order to keep the island fresh in people's minds.
Posted by Island Girl at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, economy, internet, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island
Hilton Head Wine & Food Festival
For more information on the Hilton Head Wine & Food Festival, visit
Posted by Island Girl at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, activities on Hilton Head Island, Dining out in Hilton Head, events hilton head, events on Hilton Head, family fun Hilton Head
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina welcomes the Hilton Head International Piano Contest, a special presentation by the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra. This event brings together talented musicians from across the globe to compete for over $33,000.000 in prizes. ResortQuest Hilton Head offers over 500 vacation rentals and condominiums on Hilton Head Island and is proud to support the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra.
February 10, 2009 Hilton Head Island SC – This March, Hilton Head Island and the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra welcomes the talented musicians of the Hilton Head International Piano Contest. This world-class event takes place March 2 – 9, 2009 at the First Presbyterian Church of Hilton Head Island and is presented by the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra. It brings together international pianists and judges for a week of extraordinary performances by pianists ages 18 – 30. Participants compete for over $33,000 in prizes plus coveted concert placements.
For more information and tickets to the contest, contact the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra at 843-842-2055 or visit
The Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra is entering its 27th year on Hilton Head Island and for over a quarter century has remained true to their goal of bringing an unparalleled orchestral experience to the visitors and residents of Hilton Head Island. The 2009 performance schedule focuses on the work of the Masters, with major pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Berlioz, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Sibelius, Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky in eight classically themed concerts.
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island is a strong supporter of the local arts and culture of Hilton Head Island. Guests visiting Hilton Head Island during the 2009 Symphony season receive special lodging rates through ResortQuest Hilton Head Island. ResortQuest's "More for your Money" March promotion gives guests 30% off any March stay. Guests must mention booking code INT MYM and book no later than March 1, 2009. The promotion is valid for any stay between March 1 and March 31, 2009. To book the “More for Your Money” March Hilton Head special, visit
The Hilton Head Island condominiums and private vacation homes offered by ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offer the space, amenities and location ideally suited for any destination vacation. Guests enjoy free tennis, discounted golf, free DVD rentals and the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends program offering deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities. All vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens for family meals and immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports.
Events Hilton Head
Posted by Island Girl at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities hilton head, events hilton head, hilton head island, hilton head sc, hilton head south carolina, Hilton Head vacations
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wakeboarding on Hilton Head
For those of you who like a little adventure Hilton Head is a great place to go wakeboarding. Wakeboarding is a water sport in which a person attached to a wakeboard is being pulled by a rope from behind a boat using techniques that are similar to water skiing, snowboarding, and surfing. Wakeboards are made of buoyant foam and coated in fiberglass and measure about 4 to 5 feet long on average. Boots are attached to the board that your feet slip into with your toes facing the side edge, like a snowboard.
Wakeboarding is a relatively new sport being that it was invented in the late 1980's after the advent of ski boarding. In 1990 the Hyperlite wakeboard was introduced at the World Ski Board Championships and was a phenomenal hit. Since then wakeboarding has been growing in popularity and been embraced by water sports enthusiasts and sports competitions nationwide, including the X Games.
Wakeboarding is an exhilarating and challenging sport because you are being pulled by a rope from behind a boat traveling at about 20-30 mph. You can also move left and right over the wake that is being displaced. Wakeboarding is fun for all ages because you can make it as simple or as difficult as you like. Simply riding behind the boat and moving left to right is always an option, but you care to up the ante you can also utilize the combination of speed and wake to attempt an array of tricks and jumps.
Hilton Head is a particularly good place to wakeboard for multiple reasons. It's a good excuse to get out on the boat and see the gorgeous low country scenery and wildlife from the water. Our area is particularly unique because there are tiny islands that surround and protect the coastline. Not only do they provide a pretty picture but they block movement from the tides providing a glassy calm ocean surface which is ideal for smooth riding.
While on your Hilton Head Island vacation you are interested in giving wakeboarding a try, I would head down to Palmetto Bay Marina. The marina hosts boats for rent and is also the headquarters of the Wakeboarding and Waterskiing School of Hilton Head.
Posted by Island Girl at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island, wakeboarding, water sports
Posted by Island Girl at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, Parasailing, recreation, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island, water sports
Charter Fishing on Hilton Head
Having an experienced captain at the helm ensures safe travels throughout the marsh/oyster beds during low tide, will provide all the equipment, bait, licensures and knowledge of the best fishing spots. The length of your trip can depend on how far out to sea you actually travel, but leaving the sight of land is not incumbent on your good time. Being that Hilton Head is home to some of the largest shark breeding grounds in the world and is well known for inshore fishing, it is not uncommon to catch 60-100 lb sharks, reel in over 70 red fish and see the Tarpon roll all within sight of shore.
Posted by Island Girl at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, Charter Fishing, Cobia, Fish, fishing on Hilton Head Island, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island, Sharks on Hilton Head Island, water sports
Biking on Hilton Head
Posted by Island Girl at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: activities on Hilton Head Island, biking Hilton Head, family activities Hilton Head, family fun Hilton Head, Hilton Head activities, Hilton Head lodging, mountain biking Hilton Head
Horseback Riding on HHI
Posted by Island Girl at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: events on Hilton Head, family activities Hilton Head, family fun Hilton Head, Hilton Head activities, Hilton Head lodging, Hilton Head vacations, horseback riding in Hilton Head
Top Ten
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina has been named one of the Top 10 Family Beaches by Sherman’s Travel and has a lasting reputation for safe, year-round family fun. ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offers nearly 500 vacation rentals, condos and private beach homes in this premier resort destination, ideal for any family vacation getaway.
January 21, 2009 Hilton Head Island, SC – After being named one of Sherman Travel’s Top 10 Family Beaches, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina has retained a reputation for being a premier destination for families seeking a safe, fun and friendly environment for their vacation getaway. The abundance of kid’s activities, events and adventures both on and off the beach make Hilton Head Island the ideal destination for young and old alike.
ResortQuest Hilton Head Island is one of the island’s top Hilton Head Island vacation rental providers and as part of the “ResortQuest Recommends” guest information series, has named their “Top 10 Just For Kids” activities on Hilton Head Island:
Number 1: Just Beachin’ It Hilton Head Island was voted in the Top 10 Family Beaches by Sherman’s Travel in May 2007 and the fourteen miles of South Carolina beachfront on Hilton Head Island are child-friendly indeed. They offer mild, shallow waters, gentle waves and seashell-dotted sandy shores. Keep a careful eye and kids might spot a frolicking pod of dolphins just off the coast, or take part in any number of cruises and water sports offered in the nearby Harbour Town center.
Number 2: Coastal Discovery Museum The Coastal Discovery Museum offers programs, activities and exhibits year-round to make learning about the history, wildlife and heritage of Hilton Head Island a unique and enjoyable experience. Enjoy “Turtle Talks”, “Get to Know a Gator” and many more fun kid activities. For information visit
Number 3: The Sea Pines “Fun for Kids!” Summer Day Camp Fun for Kids! is a supervised recreational program held a Hilton Head Island Sea Pines. A fun-filled day could include swimming, putt-putt golf, beach games, boat cruises, crabbing, hay rides, arts and crafts and more! Program is for ages 4 – 12, call for more information: 834.671.3590.
Number 4: The Sandbox This interactive children’s museum is filled with unique and entertaining, hands-on, educational play areas. Activities include the “No Fishing Allowed Aquarium”, the “International Bazaar” and little pilot’s plane, the “Builder’s of Tomorrow” construction zone and much more. General admission or annual memberships available, operating times vary per season, visit their website for more information:
Number 5: Sky Pirate Parasail Get a little thrill with a trip on the Sky Pirate Parasail boat as you zoom over the Hilton Head Island coastline. Sky Pirate also offers boat rentals, cocktail cruises, interactive dolphin ecology trips, tubing, waterskiing and wakeboarding.
Number 6: Adventure Cove Adventure Cove is sure to keep even the most active little ones on their toes, with everything from adventure golf and carnival games to the paradise lagoon and giant arcade. Great option for a birthday party or special family event.
Number 7: The Bear Mill The Bear Mill is a magical place where kids get the chance to build new friends and bring them to life before their very eyes.
Number 8: The Art Café The Art Café, a paint-your-own pottery studio has hundreds of items to choose from. It provides creative fun out of the sun or on a rainy day. Bring the kids, moms and dads or grandparents, the best part is – you don’t have to clean up after yourself!
Number 9: Palmetto Dunes Outfitters Palmetto Dunes Outfitters is your headquarters for outdoor adventure on Hilton Head Island, offering bike, canoe and kayak rentals. For more information on Palmetto Dunes visit
Number 10: Art Ware Art Ware, located in the charming Main Street Village, is a pleasure to visit any time of year. Fun and cheerful, they feature local artists, multi-functional accessories and just about anything that will bring a smile to your face. Fun jewelry is their specialty, all at great prices. Shop online at
Guests searching for the perfect Hilton Head vacation rental to complete their dream family vacation need look no further than ResortQuest Hilton Head Island. The Hilton Head Island condominiums and private vacation homes offered by ResortQuest Hilton Head Island offer the space, amenities and location ideally suited for a family retreat. Enjoy free tennis, discounted golf, free DVD rentals and the exclusive ResortQuest Recommends program offering deals and discounts on over 160 restaurants, shops and activities. All vacation rentals offer fully-equipped kitchens for family meals and immediate access to beaches, tennis, golf and water sports. To book your Hilton Head family vacation, visit or call 800.875.8726.
Posted by Island Girl at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: family activities Hilton Head, family vacations, hilton head family fun, hilton head island, hilton head sc, kid friendly resort, south carolina beaches, south carolina resort, top family resorts
CQ's, an Island Tradition
One of the great things about coming to Hilton Head Island is the variety of world-class fine dining and just darn good food & beverage options. Without a doubt the Island will provide your palate with whatever you may be hungry for.
Tucked in the shadows of Spanish moss laced live oak trees in Harbour Town, you will find a restaurant called CQ's. Known for its' history and consistently excellent fare, if you only do one fine dining meal during your stay, make it CQ's Be sure to utilize the ResortQuest Recommends program for a 10% discount off of your food bill! Some of my favorite creations by Chef Eric Sayers include their rich Lobster Pasta, succulent local Atlantic Shrimp Bisque and the exquisite Ahi Tuna prepared with Asian vegetables, edamame hummus with ponzu and pickled ginger.
I prefer to pair the food at CQ's with a Samuel Smith organic pilsner; however, if wine is your thing then you will not be disappointed with CQ's Wine Cellar, offering over 400 selections of the best vino on the planet.For desert, indulge in one of the daily specials, and sit back with a snifter of fine spirit and relax in the ambience of this special place. CQ's is a proud member of ResortQuest's Recommends Program...
Bon Appetite!
Posted by Island Girl at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: ResortQuest Hilton Head Island recommended restaurant
Dinner and a Show
When you come to Hilton Head Island, you will be amazed at the variety and quality of our food & beverage options. If you are traveling with family or that special someone, or just needs a quality adults' night out, go no further than the Jazz Corner. With your ResortQuest Recommends Card, you can enjoy the Jazz Corner at an even better value as you're entitled to 10% off the food bill.
The Jazz Corner is located in the Shops at Wexford. It's an intimate venue to see some of the best musicians our Island has to offer, but wait, the food and service is world-class too! A great combination of a cool vibe (the martini glasses chilling on the bar is always a good sign), a wonderful meal and some exceptional Jazz will provide for a memorable evening. Some of my favorites dishes at the Jazz Corner include the Crab Nachos; lump crab combined with fresh cilantro and red peppers topped off with an avocado cream and chipotle aioli. Or how about the Hazelnut Encrusted Red Snapper over rich angel hair pasta and garlic alfredo sauce?As you wind down your dining experience and prepare for the show, do not pass up an after diner coffee drink and a piece of the chocloate kahlua mousse cake!
Check out the Jazz Corner's web site for who is gracing the stage and be sure to make reservations
The Jazz Corner is a proud member of the ResortQuest Recomends Program.
Posted by Island Girl at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dining critic, Dining out in Hilton Head, Dinner and a Show, Jazz music, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island recommended restaurant
Lunch on the Beach
So by now you may have read my previous posts about some of the best fine dinning spots on Hilton Head Island (CQ's and the Jazz Corner).
Trust me, there will be more posts on the classy spots of the Island to come but for this week, we will take a new twist. One of the unique things about the beaches on Hilton Head is their fantastic surface for biking, especially when the tide is out. I suggest you make a day of a long bike ride and lunch at the beach! Start by taking your beach cruiser (or rent one from Palmetto Dunes Outfitters)and hit the beach at the "Dunes House", just inside the Mariners Gate at Palmetto Dunes.
Begin by riding south or to the beach goers right toward Forest Beach. As you cruise for 6 miles on our world class beach, you will see ResortQuest's amazing ocean front properties, and view all sorts of nature and people watching. You will also work up a great appetite. Just before the point of the Island you see in the distance, look for the "Sea Pines Beach Club". There you can enjoy a great lunch al fresco overlooking the Atlantic and refuel for the downwind coast back to the Dunes House.
Some of my favorites at the Beach Club are the Peel & Eat Shrimp, the Dill Tuna Salad Wrap or if you're feeling hearty, the Half Pound Angus Burger with Sea Pines Chips. A full selection of exotic island beverages and wine/beer compliment the easy fare at the Beach Club.
A couple of tips: be sure to take your ResortQuest Reccommends Card for a 10% discount off of your food bill. Bring lots of water for the ride and be sure to give yourself some time for digestion before making the journey back to Palmetto Dunes. There are other places to eat on the Beach as well if a 14 mile round trip is not what you are looking for, but if you do this trip, you will have a great day and get some great excercise to boot!
The Sea Pines Beach Club is a proud member of the ResortQuest Recomends Program.
Bon Appetite!
Posted by Island Girl at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: discounts on food, lunch on the beach, oceanfront dining, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island lunch, Sea Pines Beach Club
Casual Elegeance
Greetings food and wine connoisseurs!
Alright, do you believe in a sure thing? Well, I've got one for you. You cannot go wrong on Hilton Head Island by choosing Red Fish for lunch or dinner. This place is fresh. This place is cool. Its Napa Valley meets Caribbean flair with a dash of southern service. Here's a hint: Don't miss it! The quality and comfort of Red Fish is evident immediately.
A nice patio for dinning al fresco, a welcome greeting at the door, and soon you and your guests are seated comfortably with tall vino glasses begging for your attention. OK, lots of great choices here, relax and don't get overwhelmed; you can't go wrong. My style is to start with a glass of white wine, perhaps a crisp Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc to warm up the palate. If this isn't your thing, Red Fish offers over 1,000 different wines from around the world! My next move; an order of Shrimp Ceviche, with spicy salsa and some Chef's special Flat Bread (changes daily). The wine and food pairing tastes so good (another glass please!) that I'm now squarely focused on choosing my entree. Horseradish Encrusted Salmon with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and lobster cream sauce, WOW!
Red Fish also has you "meatatarians" covered with a nice selection of steak and burgers. Finish it off with a "Key West" Key Lime Pie and prepare to be satisfied! Kudos to Chef Sean Walsh (CIA Grad)and the entire staff at Red Fish for their award winning (literally) performance!
Red Fish also offers retail items, catering and a wine club and is a proud member of the ResortQuest Recommends Program.
8 Archer Road (off of Pope Ave)
Bon Appetite!
Family Seafood Dining
OK, you've come to Hilton Head Island. Of course, you must be here for the seafood correct? If I'm right, than don't miss the opportunity to check out Hilton Head Island's own Old Oyster Factory.
Set on the scenic Broad Creek, this establishment provides a low country classic landscape, with sweeping marshland views from every room of the House. Its name is no coincidence, the restaurant was built on the original site of an oyster cannery, and hundreds of oysters were harvested and processed daily here for nearly 70 years. The cuisine here leaves nothing to be desired. Fresh oysters, seafood and steaks prevail. Top off any entree with an Oscar preparation (asparagus, crab meat and béarnaise), or add a side order of tasty grilled scallops or shrimp.
The Old Oyster Factory features a concise but outstanding wine list, there will be no problem finding the perfect pairing for your palate. For dessert, the chef prepares an outstanding collection of delectable's daily. If you're up for it, try the incredible Chocolate Fantasia, a delight to top off the meal and a great dish to share.
You're entitled to even more value with your ResortQuest Recommends Card! http://www.oldoysterfactory.com101 Marshland Road843-681-6040 Bon Appetite!
Posted by Island Girl at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: discounts on food, Family dining on Hilton Head Island, Old Oyster Factory, recommended dining, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island lunch, restaurant critic, waterfront dining
Big City Flair on Hilton Head Island
Are you a wise guy? Like a little taste of the big city?
Then you will fit right in on the North end of the Island in the Main Street Village at Frankie Bones & Wise Guys. Frankie Bones Italian-American restaurant was voted "Best New Restaurant" in 2005 by Hilton Head Monthly magazine.
Its menu features classic and exceptional preparations of the best steak, chops and seafood around. Frankie Bones will leave you smiling and with a spring in your step from the swanky atmosphere, snappy sounds and sure value of your experience. Frankie Bones serves lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch.
If you're feeling even more "Zoot Suitish", don't miss Wise Guys right next door! Wise Guys features outstanding cuisine with an uptown flair. The professional and attractive staff will help steer you toward any direction your palate may wish to take you. Or, settle in at the bar for an outstanding selection of appetizers, flat bread and quite simply, the best wine by the glass selection on the Island (Dom Perignon by the glass)! A
nd remember, with your ResortQuest Recommends Card, you will enjoy 10% off your food bill! Frankie Bones and Wise Guys are proud members of the ResortQuest Recommends Program. Frankie Bones & Wise Guys
1301 Main Street
Bon Appetite!
Posted by Island Girl at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: brunch and lunch service, discounts on food and drink, ResortQuest Hilton Head Island, restaurant review